Our Service
Webelievethetruth.com provides a website where everybody can share, validate and discuss stories, statements and links about what they believe as the truth.
A place to find evidence, proof, to confirm, disprove and validate context of statements and stories to find out if something is true or not and why.
Ultimate truth can be found when you look deep within yourself and can be validated by sharing it.
In the end it's your perception about reality and that's what webelievethetruth is all about, to find a common truth, univeral truth that everybody believes.
Everybody can create statements, stories and post links to websites or other stories. Everybody can validate statements and stories of each other by simply clicking true or false
and discuss about it on this website.
To keep things clear, everything is open and transparent for everybody to read.
Everything can be viewed by everybody, except your account data, that is kept just to identify the different users on this website.
People cannot message each other, account data is encrypted and you can only discuss the subject like any forum on the web.
Our data and privacy policy
All stories, statements and links on this platform are created by it's users and belongs to the public.
We don't collect any personal data, IP addressess and we don't share account information with others.
Everything is transparent and everybody is allowed to contibute like any other forum on the internet.
All personal (account data) is encrypted, kept secret from eachother to protect your privacy.
Even we can't read it in clear text. The data you provide when you sign up is used to narrow down statements and
common truth based upon age, gender or country/living area.
Your commitment to Webelievethetruth and our community
Every statement and story you post can be removed by the user who created it.
The site is being moderated by the users, if there is anything you want removed, simply click the remove button.
The user who created it will be notified and the administrators will validate if it should be removed.
Additional provisions
Updating our terms : When we update our terms, you will be notified.
Account suspension or termination : When we suspend your account or terminate it because of inappropriate behavior, we will notify you.
Other terms and policies that may apply to you
Date of last revision: March 28th, 2019